King Hannah are a severely underappreciated band from the United Kingdom. Their debut, "I'm Not Sorry, I Was Just Being Me" was one of the best rock records to come out of 2022. The album featured a blend of alternative rock, blues rock, psych rock, and, eclectically, some trip hop-ish elements. The songwriting was stellar, the vocals low-key and deadpan but oddly appealing. The staple members of the band are Craig Whittle (guitar) and Hannah Merrick (vocals). A note: since this is a recent band, there are fewer interviews to sift through (i.e. for multiple release years / eras / what have you. Still, there weren't a dearth of pieces; this record was fairly well anticipated. Related lists: Chelsea Wolfe Interview Compilation Below I've compiled some interesting interviews from the dynamic duo, with standout quotes included. *DISCLAIMER: I CLAIM NO OWNERSHIP OF THESE INTERVIEWS. Links to the original site included at the bottom of each entry.* 01. Nbhap || 02/23...